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Scott Case - the 5th generation

Scott Case



Case Brothers was established in 1904 by founding brothers George and Stephen Case to tune and repair pianos and reed organs. With the changing of the guard, George E. Case, Sr. (Stephens' son) expanded the business to include retail sales of pianos.  He began by selling pianos out of his home -which eventually lead to the opening of their first physical location on North Church Street.  Unfortunately that building burned in the late 1930's.  Undeterred, he selected a new location at the corner of Pine and East Main Street, but eventually outgrew it.  After diligently searching, he came upon the old Andrews Estate (which was outside the city limits at the time) as the perfect site to carry on his vision.  He lived upstairs with his wife while the first floor was renovated into showroom space.  They added on what is now our main showroom in 1954, along with the recital hall. 


The following generation, George E. Case, Jr. (aka Pat) and brother Bennie T. Case successfully continued the dream of their father and grandfather by building a regionally recognized thriving piano sales and service business.  Tom Case (Bennie's son) entered the business at the age of 15, learning the trade from the ground up by working in the piano rebuild shop.  Tom eventually learned every aspect of the business (moving, tuning, rebuilding, and sales) as he lead the business into the future by developing numerous church and school contacts (as well as individuals) until his untimely death in 2023.  Presently Tom's son, Scott Case, a 5th generation piano technician and rebuilder, continues their legacy today. 


Throughout all five generations our commitment to excellence in every facet of our business has never waivered. We have expanded through the years to include: Allen organs, digital pianos, and QRS wi-fi player pianos - as well as other services (the recital hall and piano storage), but have maintained the belief that our customer's satisfaction is our top priority.  We frequently get mementos (pictures, letters, or newspaper clippings) from our customers which chronicles our past.  If you have any such items to contribute, please use the Contact Us page to help us update our history.

Case Brothers Music: Kawai Pianos & Allen Organs

Thank you for subscribing!

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 10-1, 2-5

Saturday: By Appointment

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